Curcuma zedoaria
English: Zeodary
Sanskrit/Indian: Shati
Russian: Белая куркума

General information:
Zeodary bears a strong resemblance to Ginger, but has a less strong aroma. The herb is native to India as well as Indonesia, where it is ground to a powder and added to curries or used in its fresh form.
The herb is a gastrointestinal tract stimulant, which aids digestion and relieves colic pains. The essential oil from dried Zeodary roots is used in perfume and soap fabrication.
Curzerenone and zederone are the main active constituents of the essential oil derived from Zeodary, which gives the herb its therapeutic properties.
- The herb is helpful in stomach disorders like flatulent colic and ulcers.
- It is also a blood purifier, which eliminates toxins.